This is my notepad of quotes and sayings distilled as an extract from gardens and nature...

Feel free to page through, and leave a comment if any appeal to you?

I'm always looking for more, so if you have any favourite/obscure/moving gardening quotes, I'd be happy to include them, so email me...

Tuesday, December 29

Sweet Disorder

It isn't that I don't like sweet disorder but it has to be
judiciously arranged.

Vita Sackville West

Wednesday, December 23

Obey to Command

Nature, to be commanded must be obeyed.

Francis Bacon

Friday, December 18

Knowledge Is Like A Garden...

Knowledge is like a garden; if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.
African proverb

Sunday, December 13

The Garden Fair

How fair is a garden amid toils and
passions of existence.
Benjamin Disraeli

Tuesday, December 8

Stretching Things

Imagination cannot stretch much further than a giraffe.

Thursday, December 3

No End In Site?

There is no "The End" to be written, neither can you, like an architect, engrave in stone the day the garden was finished; a painter can frame his picture; a composer notate his coda, but a garden is always on the move.
Mirabel Osler