This is my notepad of quotes and sayings distilled as an extract from gardens and nature...

Feel free to page through, and leave a comment if any appeal to you?

I'm always looking for more, so if you have any favourite/obscure/moving gardening quotes, I'd be happy to include them, so email me...

Wednesday, August 5

The Value of Contrast and Harmony

The value of the plant in the composition, like the value of colour in paintings, is always relative.
The plant is made valuable by the contrast or harmony created by its relation to the other plants.

Roberto Burle Marx


  1. Yes - I have to say, I live by that quote in my gardens. Burle Marx was a master at his craft...

  2. you see this so well here in the garden route were plants depend on each other to survive or flourish,generaly not doing well individualy but loving the dinamics of growing together ,truely miraculuos,shading feeding stinting.... love it.Regards forest fairy

  3. This is the quote that caught my eye, too. Burle Marz knew what was up.
    Somewhat related, my mom, who's a professional artist, has a quote that the viewer's first response is to value, then color. She says when there is a problem with a composition it is almost always a problem with the values, not the colors.


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